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030: Remembering Patterns - Initial Attempts

In relation to the trade setups I was talking about in my previous post, I need to master looking at good and bad chart setups to minimize mistakes and carelessness.

The following sample charts were from my October entries:




I need to be more strict in treating trading as a business. I'm about to start writing up feasibility studies for our business ideas and I'm considering writing up a business plan for fx trading (I do have written strategies and goals already, but it's gonna be cool if it's in a business plan format and includes my vision and other stuff-- Van Tharp's article about it is very interesting.)

I'm still compiling my Nov charts. This November, I also started using webex recorder while trading so I can record my thoughts real time (the downside is I hate talking while trading, and feeling embarrassed also while some people in the house are nearby). Not much improvement this month since my performance went sideways like the markets, but I've just finished reading this awesome book and would like to apply it and improve my modified price action style next month"

I love this book! It's available in Amazon. It deals with most of the issues I'm currently having after moving from swing trading to day trading. I'm in the process of watching every video about it in YouTube too haha! I really wish I've read this book earlier, it's very well-written, with nice illustrations and summaries. It's totally different from some fx ebooks I've read before that, looking back now, I realized they're haphazardly done by those "gurus" who earn from whatever "educational materials" they churn out instead of trading itself, or even in running a business or whatever finance stuff--that includes those annoying financial planners who simply sales talk you into buying insurance from them instead of genuinely putting their customers needs first. Ugh, right?

Anyway, the authors of Naked Forex definitely walk the talk, they are talented traders themselves so they got my attention and I have great respect for them. (I'm in no way affiliated with them, I'm just so happy I've finally found definite answers to my current trading issues haha!)


Totally unrelated to trading, but I really want this snakey robot:

(Image from Business Insider)

It's created by some techno-whiz guys in MIT. It's so cute, like a very useful pet. Hehe.

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