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031: Year End Atonement

I love how good timing plays in my life. I got some emails from fxrenew showing 2 videos created by Sam Eder about how to be a consistent trader-- which has been my issue lately when my performance started going sideways like the markets instead of consistently going up like before. If you already know the basics, have your own strategies, already trading for a year or more, and have an issue about consistency (like majority of the traders do), go watch these:

There are 2 additional videos after the 2nd one, and I'll be watching them in the next few days. I have to absorb and apply the lessons in the videos above first so I won't feel overwhelmed. I really appreciate how Sam explains that some of the techniques actually help lessen the psychological impact in case trades go against expectations and how to manage them--which are like 10x better than what I've been doing in the past few weeks: doing artsy stuff like fashion design from time to time and ended up being lazy and more distracted with trading, even experiencing trader's block.

There's always a sacrifice needed, and for now, I have to accept that art doesn't sell and since my focus is building wealth, I need to get my shit together and focus on being a great gamer in games like Call of Duty, and yes, stocks and forex trading. I'll continue the art side when I become rich already like Amina Aranaz (my current idol, she's so gorgeous and talented!). For now, I'll continue controlling my emotions in playing games instead of letting it control me like whenever I draw or design clothes. Huge sacrifice indeed.

Anyway, the following screenshots sum up my strategy for the 1st 2 weeks of December (with the help of the 1st 3 charts as my overall guide along with the weekly charts and COT futures non-institutional traders' positions) before I take a holiday vacation:

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